【考研英语】还不会写小作文?八篇保姆级攻略助你上岸! 您所在的位置:网站首页 proposals practical 【考研英语】还不会写小作文?八篇保姆级攻略助你上岸!


#【考研英语】还不会写小作文?八篇保姆级攻略助你上岸!| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

一、邀 请 信







① We hope you will join us for a... 我们希望您能参加我们的...

② We cordialy invite you to attend / You are cordialy invited to... 我们诚挚邀请您出席...

③ It gives me great pleasure to invite you to... 我很荣幸邀请您参加...

④ We would like to invite you to attend the...located at ( place ) on ( date ).我们邀请您参加在...(时间和地点)举办的...


① The event is prepared in the intention to... 这次活动是为了...

② This exhibition aims to... 这次展出是为了...

③ The event will be held in ( place ) from ( time ) to ( time ).活动将在.....(时间和地点)举办。

④ For the convenience of everybody the timings have been fixed from ( time ) to ( time ).为了方便每个人,时间定于从...到...


① We would appreciate it if you can attend this event as you are... 由于您...,若您能出席本次活动,我们将十分愿激。

② We hope to see you there. 希望能在那里见到您。

③ We look forward to seeing you at ( place ) on ( date ).期待...(时间)在...(地点)见到您。

④ We will surely look forward to your gracious presence that day.我们非常期待您那天的光临。


二、推 荐 信


引言 (1-2句):自我介绍,写清目的;

主体 (3-4句):介绍所推人或物的能力或特质,附加阐释;

结尾 (1-2句):结尾套话,表示期待。


开篇段(表明写作目的:推荐... )

① You asked for my opinion on... lam writing to you to recommend... 你曾问我对...的看法。我写信来给你推荐...

② This letter serves to recommend XXX for employment. 这封信是要推荐XXX任职。

③ l am pleased to recommend XXX for the position of... 我很乐意推荐XXX担任...一职。

④ lt is my pleasure to recommend XXX as... 我很荣幸推荐XXX担任...

⑤ At your request, l evaluated several...to determine which one you should purchase. I believe that...will best serve your needs at the price you budgeted.  应你的要求,我评估了几个...以决定你该买哪一个。我相信...能在你的预算范围内最好地满足你的需求。


① I was impressed that XXX... (描述其优势) XXX....,对此我印象深刻。

② You will also be impressed with his/her... 你也会对他/她的...印象深刻。

③ XXX is one of the most pleasant persons you'll ever meetor work with.  XXX将是你见过或共事的人中最讨人喜欢的人之一。

④ The characteristic that is most commendable in XXX is...  XXX最值得称赞的特点是....

⑤ l strongly recommend...to you because l am sure... 我给你强烈推荐...,因为我相信....


① For all of these reasons, I think XXX will make a fine addition to your team.  基于以上原因,我认为XXX会为你的团队锦上添花。

② Without reservation, l recommend  him/her highly for your program.  我毫无保留地推荐他/她加入你的项目。

③ Should you have any questions, l invite you to contact me at...  如果你有任何问题请拨打 (电话号码)联系我。


三、建 议 信


引言 (1-2句):铺陈背景,表明目的;

主体 (3-4句):罗列两至三点建议,附带理由;

结尾 (1-2句):期望采纳建议。



① l am writing this letter on behalf of...to make some suggestions with regard to...  我代表...写这封信,提出一些关于...的建议。

② It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on...  很荣幸为你提供一些关于...的建议。

③ l am writing this letter to suggest to you that...  我写这封信是为了建议你...


① My suggestions are as follows.  我的建议如下。

② l propose that...This will save you money and worry.  我建议...,这会为你省钱并省去烦恼。

③ I hereby suggest you to...Also...might be useful. These are some important points that I wanted to mention. l am sure if..., you will...  在此我建议你...,并且...也许会有用。这些是我想提及的要点。我相信如果... 你会....


① I hope this suggestion is of benefit to you, I will be delighted to speak to you if you require additional information.  希望这个建议对你有用。如果你需要更多信息,我很高兴与你交流。

② I hope you will find these proposals practical.我希望这些建议实用。

③ I hope that you will take my suggestions into serious account.  我希望你能认真考虑我的建议。

④ Your promptattention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.  我将十分感激您对我所提建议的及时关注。

⑤ If you wish to know more, please callme at... 如果您想了解更多,请拨打...

⑥ Hope you take these suggestions positively and improve your services as soon as possible.  希望您能积极采纳这些建议,尽快改善服务。


四、申 请 信


引言 (1-2句):表明目的(陈述申请或请求的内容);





① l am writing to apply for... 我写信是为了申请....

② From the...website I learned about your need for a...l am very interested in this position, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position.  我从...网站上看到了您对...的需求,我对这个职位很感兴趣,并相信我的教育背景和工作经历适合此职位。

③ l would like to apply for the...position  advertised in...  我想应聘刊登在....上....职位。


① The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:...  我能胜任此职位的主要优势包括:...

② With my...background, my training in...and my work experience, I believel could make a valuable contribution to...   鉴于我...的背景、在...方面接受的培训和工作经历,我相信我能为...做出有价值的贡献。

③ My experience also includes...  我的经历还包括...

④ l believe my combination of...experience and...training is an excellent match for the position.  我相信我的...经历和...培训与这个职位很匹配。

⑤ I believe that my strong...will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.  我相信我在...方面的优势会使我成为这个职位很有竞争力的候选人。


① Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you.  感谢您的时间和关注,期待有机会与您交流。

② l look forward to talking with you regarding...Thank you very kindly for your consideration.  期待与您交流... ,非常感谢您的关注。

③ Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to receiving your reply.  非常感谢您的关注,期待您的回复。


五、道 歉 信







① I wantto write you a letter to apologize.  我想给你写信道歉。

② l wantto apologize for...  我想为...给你道歉。

③ Please accept my sincere apology for...  请接受我因...诚挚的歉意。

④ Please accept this letter as my formal apology for what happened on (location/event/issue...)  请把这封信作为我对发生在......(地点或事件)的正式道歉。


① It was not my intention to cause any damage or inconvenience.  我不是有意造成破坏或不便的。

② In retrospect, I believe the situation resulted from...   回想过去,我认为事情是由....造成的。

③ While this is by no means an excuse for my behavior / what happened, knowing the cause will help me guard against future mistakes.  虽然这无论如何都不能作为我的行为/所发生之事的借口,但知道原因能够帮助我今后避免这样的错误。

④ I would try to offer an explanation for what I did, but there are no excuses.  我会试图解释我的所作所为,但没有借口。

⑤ Would it be convenient for you if ...?  如果......您方便吗?

⑥ Would you prefer to ...?  您愿意......吗?

⑦ Would you mind if l ...?   您介意我......吗?


① I sincerely thank you for hearing me out.  Again, l am sorry for what happened.  我真诚地感谢您细心听取我说的话。对于发生的事情,我再次表示歉意。

② l look forward to hearing from you and putting this matter behind us.   我期待您的回信,并希望您能忘了这件事。

③ Again, I deeply apologize for the problems my actions caused, and I hope I can work to make it right.  我再次对我的行为所带来的问题表示深深的歉意,并希望我可以处理好它。

④ l will ... but in the meantime l ask you please to accept my sincere apologies.  我会...,但是同时希望你能接受我诚挚的道歉。

⑤ l am sorry to..., and hope that this has not caused you any great inconvenience.  对......我感到抱歉,并希望这没有给您造成太多不便。

⑥ l can't expect your forgiveness, though I certainly hope for it, All I can say is that I truly want things to be okay between us.   我不期待你的原谅,虽然我希望得到你的谅解,我想说的是希望我们俩之间没有问题。


六、祝 贺 信


引言 (1-2句):简述事由、表明写作目的;

主体 (3-4句):详述成果、回顾历程并发出赞扬、可对进一步发展提出适当建议;

结尾 (1-2句):再次祝贺、表达期望。



I am very happy today to hear the news that... Hereby l am writing this letter to you to congratulate you on this achievement.  非常高兴得知......的消息。因此我写信来祝贺你取得的成绩。


① This only could be achieved by your hard work and talent. You really deserve...  这只能是你自己的才华和努力带来的结果。你真的值得获得...

② Today all your persistence and hard work has paid off.  今天你所有的坚持和努力终于带来了成功。

③ l am congratulating you from the bottom of my heart.  我打心底祝福你。

④ I'm so proud of you for setting your sights high, and making every effort to achieve that goal.  你给自己制定高远的目标,尽一切努力去实现那个目标,我为你感到骄。


① Please accept my heartiest congratulations to you.  请接受我对你最诚挚的祝贺。

② Many congratulations for your achievement and best wishes for future growth as well!   热烈祝贺你取得的成绩,并对你未来的成长致以最美好的祝福 !


七、感 谢 信




结尾 (1-2句):再次感谢,期望回报。



① l am writing to express my gratitude for your time and consideration in support of my endeavors. Your perspective and encouragement mean a great deal to me.   我写信是为了表达对你为了支持我的努力付出的时间和思虑的感谢。你的观点和鼓励对我而言意义重大。

② On behalf of...,l express heartfelt thanks for all you do.  我代表...表达对你所做一切的衷心感谢


① We appreciate your unfailing attention to detail and several participants commented on how well the event was organized.  我们感谢你对细节毫无遗漏的关注,几位与会者对这次活动组织大为赞赏。

② We are grateful for the time and effort you took to share your thoughts and experiences with us. Thanks again for a truly memorable evening.  我们感谢你为了与我们分享你的观点和经历所花费的时间和精力。再次感谢这样一个真正难忘的夜晚。

③ I hope I can reciprocate the favor.  我希望我可以回报你的帮助。

④ l want to express my deepest gratitude to you for the recommendation you made on my behalf. I'll do my best to deserve your confidence.  我想为你为我做的推荐,向你表达我最深的谢意。我会尽力做到最好,不负你对我的信任。


① l can't thank you enough for...  对于...,我怎么感谢你都不为过

② lf l can be of any service to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me.   如果将来我可以帮上你忙的话,请务必联系我。

③ We hope you will accept the enclosed token of our gratitude.   我们希望你会接受随函附上、以示谢意的礼物。




第一段 (1-2句):表明写作目的;

第二段 (3-5句):介绍具体信息(包括时间、 地点、 活动内容、 出席对象、 注意事项等);

第三段 (1-2句):表明期待参与、(必要时)提供联系方式。



① This is to notify that…is organizing...on(date).   本通知是为了告知...将于...(日期)组织...

② All individuals are hereby informed that a legislation regarding…has been approved.   关于...的法规已通过,特此通知。

③ Please pay close attention to this announcement.   请密切关注这个启事。

④ For any clarification or enquiry, contact XXX at {phone number) .  如需任何说明或咨询,请拨打...(电话号码)联系XXX。

⑤ If you need more information/For further details, please contact us at (phone number) .   如果需要更多信包更多细节, 请拨打...(电话号码)联系我们。

⑥ If you are interested in this position, you can send your resume to (email address) . 如果您对这个职位感兴趣, 请将您的简历发送至...(邮箱地址)。






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